Customer Testimonials

  • "Dixon Valve and Coupling has worked with ARK for over twenty years. We look to them to handle our machinery moves. They do a great job watching out for the equipment and our facility. We have never been let down on getting a job done whether it was 5,000 pounds or 35,000. We just moved into a new facility and ARK worked with us over a five-week span while coordinating loading at the old facility and unloading and placement in the new one. Always appreciate their help. "

    — Buddy Moser, Plant Superintendent, Dixon Valve and Coupling

  • "Eagle Group has been using Ark 2.0 for our rigging needs for over 30 years. They have always provided us with quality service, while working to accommodate our schedule and at a competitive price. Their integrity as a vendor is beyond reproach."

    — Rick Murphy, Facilities Manager, Eagle Group

  • "I have had the pleasure of working with the ARK 2.0 team, for two years, but their support of our company goes back much longer than that. They have continually demonstrated top tier transport and rigging work, all while ensuring that our Government customers are taken care of with the utmost professionalism. Their team ensures dedicated and effectual service for us and our customers, on every project. I cannot recommend their team highly enough. They will do it right the first time, every time!"

    — Savannah Frich, Federal Projects Manager at Phillips Federal Division